Dr. Farnoosh

Gummy Smile Specialist


Think of the perfect smile, either a beautiful one you’ve seen or the one that you’ve always wanted. What stands out? For many, the first thing they notice is the teeth: white, shining, and radiant. Those can help a smile, but most don’t realize how important gums are to the perfect smile. Without healthy-looking gums in a proper ratio to the teeth, a smile won’t look as great as it could. Even the best cared for teeth can’t change that. Dr. Farnoosh has been a gum specialist for decades. He has several effective treatments for gummy smiles, dark gums, and more.


Gummy smile treatment from Dr. Farnoosh makes your smile how you’ve always wanted it to look. Instead of having too much of your gums exposed during a smile, he can bring your smile into proper alignment. His pioneering gummy smile treatment, originally created in 1990, eliminates these problems that you did not ask for or cause. As frustrating as it can be to have a gummy smile, Dr. Farnoosh’s treatment can clear it up quickly, in a safe and effective manner.


Gummy smile treatment from Dr. Farnoosh makes your smile how you’ve always wanted it to look. Instead of having too much of your gums exposed during a smile, he can bring your smile into proper alignment. His pioneering gummy smile treatment, originally created in 1990, eliminates these problems that you did not ask for or cause. As frustrating as it can be to have a gummy smile, Dr. Farnoosh’s treatment can clear it up quickly, in a safe and effective manner.


Gummy smile treatment from Dr. Farnoosh makes your smile how you’ve always wanted it to look. Instead of having too much of your gums exposed during a smile, he can bring your smile into proper alignment. His pioneering gummy smile treatment, originally created in 1990, eliminates these problems that you did not ask for or cause. As frustrating as it can be to have a gummy smile, Dr. Farnoosh’s treatment can clear it up quickly, in a safe and effective manner.